Saturday, September 29, 2007


1:18 am. I'm waiting for gesso to dry on a bunch of clothing before I start drawing on it for a school project. Woot. The last semester so far has been rough but also good, because there's a light at the end of the tunnel! I actually sat on a bench today and talked to a fellow student, shooting the breeze.

that's amazing because I'm usually so determined to go somewhere or am late on campus that I dont usually sit. It was also interesting because it was pretty foggy. Our class was cancelled and the air was heavy with mist. Neither of us had class for the next hour, and I was in no hurry.

I'm actually beginning to remember how that feels!! And it's awesome!!

Work is going well. We're making a lot of changes at the paper which, imo, is for the better. I was invited to go to a bluegrass concert tonight (YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW TEMPTING THAT IS), but I hadnt had any sleep and had a drawing project due the next day, which is tomorrow. Anywho.

Since the gesso is still drying, I'm going to narrate the bench scene. Tell me what you think.

Early morning.

I arrived before the usual bustle of cars and feet pounded the streets, before any crowd clogged the sidewalks with the sheer volume of human presence that usually surges its way through the veins of the campus. It was quiet, the air heavy with mist, shrouding the distance in a veil of the unknown. I passed through the weightless sea of humidity into the stout, strong building of red brick and plaster, its glass doors open to the few others who were up so early. I made my way through the marbled floors and large caverns of the entrance to the second floor, which held the book I was searching for. Gazing across the myriad of covers I found the book which I had been search for.
I made my way down the library in the silver conveyor to the first floor, the nearby computer labs now alive with activity. People searched the web, chatted either with online counterparts or other students, or intensely pounded the keyboard, letter by letter in a fury of academic might. Possibly in an attempt to turn out a paper due within a very short period of time. I arrived at the circulation desk, where a woman with hair washed in shades of black and grey took my card and swiped it. However before the card was swiped, she turned to say something to another librarian and lost her grip, sending the card twirling out of control and her hands in furied gymnastics as she attempted to regain the card. I checked out and left toward the English building.

K, i need to go help the gesso dry. Till later.