Okay, so for the one above (it was rushed, as this was in the middle of the semester I believe) I had to basically get Jen and Nick to meet other than "Oh they just knew each other". That doesnt always go for good serial comics unless they're married or whatnot, and it was something I didnt want to do. I wanted to have the serial see them meet. Of course, the fuzzes needed to be more for Nick than Jen, so all of this will play up. Please forgive the next few after this. These were rushed as well, and I was still trying to find my feet with Illustrator and their own style. (Yes anime, but I needed to have their own style as a comic. Something that was relatively easy to look at and understand.)
As for this one, you can see I got a little more anime with it. Woot.
Ha. Now for this one I modeled it after a few professors I had had, and it was also supposed to be kind of representative of all the weird and wacky professors that everyone has probably had when they were in college or even in high school. No joke, I had some professors like this.
Same same. Ever had a supposedly easy class that threw a ginormous truckload full of tests and papers at you? Ha. Yes.