This consists of:
Powers: Throws giant acorns
Beaverlad, warrior of the wetlands!
Powers: wood-chewing
and Platypus patti!
Powers: swamp water control.
When I mentioned Platy patti to my mom, she was less than pleased. (As it's very close to her name.) it wasnt intentional. It was either that or Platy Polly, which seemed like it had been used before.
Anyway, i got to do a little super-hero work which was really fun to try and make these useless characters useful. I considered it a challenge and thought it was fun. (Think about it, other than the Tick, how do you make useless heros useful without delving into their egotistical inner psyche?)
Anyway, the class I was taking was so bad that I ended up not finishing the arc i started. The superheros were actually Nick's (the main character in Random Fuzz) creations and it was a comic he created for a newspaper. Anyway, it was a fun little jaunt into an alternate universe for a while.
Also, at this point it's really more about a continuing story, instead of just one-liners like the first semester. Unfortunately the problem with continuing stories in the Verm is that there aren't a lot of people who read the verm on a regular basis, but the website will fix all of that, so stay tuned!!
Here's an excerpt:
it's hard to see but there's a lot of detail in there. It's beginning to look more and more like a comic, which is good. It's looking a little less akward too.
PS, here's a screenshot of the upcoming website: